[fpc-pascal] Strange syntax in raising exceptions

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg at opensoft.homeip.net
Thu Jul 16 08:52:53 CEST 2009

Paul Ishenin wrote:
> will be useless. Who wants to know that it was raised in Warn function? 
> Better to assign a caller address to that exception. For this we have 
> 'at' keyword.

Thanks Paul! Your explanation makes perfect sense. Amazingly enough, I 
have been using exceptions for many years, and never knew about the 'at' 
keyword for them. So we learn. :)

I can also confirm that the 'at <address>' is documented in the Kylix 3 
Help and the FPC Reference Guide.

   - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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