[fpc-pascal] Strange syntax in raising exceptions

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg at opensoft.homeip.net
Thu Jul 16 00:05:16 CEST 2009


While porting DUnit2 to Free Pascal I came across the following code. I have never seen syntax like that, yet it is accepted by FPC and Delphi compilers.

Is this documented in FPC docs? What does the '... at <some_function_returning_a_pointer>' do?

Unfortunately I don't have any docs (fpc, delphi or kylix) available here on my home pc, but I'll try and look for tips tomorrow at work. In somebody else could give some insight it would be much appreciated.

procedure TTestProc.Warn(const ErrorMsg: string; const ErrorAddress: Pointer);
  if ErrorAddress = nil then
    raise EPostTestFailure.Create(ErrorMsg) at CallerAddr
    raise EPostTestFailure.Create(ErrorMsg) at ErrorAddress;


 - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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