[fpc-pascal] If ShellExecute(0, 'open', PChar(ExecuteName), '', '', 0) <= 32 Then

Henry Vermaak henry.vermaak at gmail.com
Wed Jan 28 10:56:06 CET 2009

2009/1/28 vmars <vmars at rgv.rr.com>:
> I tried many combinations of   "%COMSPEC% /c Del2Pas.bat"
>           ExecuteName := ('C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\cmd.exe ' + AppPathExe +
> 'Del2Pas.bat');
>           ExecuteName := ('"%COMSPEC%/c Del2Pas.bat"');
>           and many more!
> but still:
> Unable to open file: "%COMSPEC%/c Del2Pas.bat" ErrorCode=0

the shell is responsible for resolving environment variables, so you
need to retrieve comspec yourself with "GetEnvironmentVariable"  in


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