[fpc-pascal] Writing a compiler

Frank Peelo f26p at eircom.net
Mon Jan 5 15:03:35 CET 2009

Frank Peelo wrote:
> There's also "Compiler Construction" by Prof. Wirth, Addison-Wesley, 
> 1996, ISBN 0-201-40353-6. It describes a subset of Oberon, rather than 
> Pascal, but it does have the advantage that he seems to have released it 
> (or rather, a revised 3rd edition) as a PDF.

This is probably a better link than the one in the previous post:

Sorry if this is off-topic (although the code in the book is not 
difficult to translate to FPC), but I thought I'd better post this as a 
correction, in case there'd be legal-type questions about copyright and 


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