[fpc-pascal] Byte array manipulation

Wimpie Nortje wimpienortje at gmail.com
Sun Aug 16 21:17:31 CEST 2009

theo wrote:
> AnsiString does not have problems with #0.
> Test:
> var aStr:AnsiString;
> begin
> aStr:='test-test-test';
> aStr:=StringReplace(aStr,'-',#0,[rfReplaceAll]);
> //if you ouput now, you'll only see 'test'...
> aStr:=StringReplace(aStr,#0,'-',[rfReplaceAll]);
> //...but the text is still in the String;
> Edit1.text:=aStr;
> end;
Thanks. I tested it and it works.

The reference manual is a bit confusing though:
"Ansistrings are strings that have no length limit. They are reference 
counted and null terminated."

"i.e. a variable of type PChar is a pointer that points to an array of 
type Char, which is ended by a null-character (#0). "

The above quotes does not agree with the code above, which makes 
discovering this info a bit difficult.

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