[fpc-pascal] Dynamic loading shared libraries

theo xpde at theo.ch
Tue Aug 11 21:45:35 CEST 2009

> How would the easy way be?

I've just been looking into some old Kylix sources:

const LibName = '';
function XftDrawCreate(display: PDisplay; win: XID; vis: PVisual; 
colorm: longint): PXftDraw; cdecl;

function XftDrawCreate(display: PDisplay; win: XID; vis: PVisual; 
colorm: longint): PXftDraw; cdecl; external LibName;

 if dlopen('libXft.so', RTLD_LAZY or RTLD_GLOBAL) = nil then

I can't remember if the extra declaration in the interface section was 
But by simply settting Libname to empty string and using dlopen I could 
switch from static do dynamic afair.

Thanks for the h2pas hint.

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