[fpc-pascal] Stack problem in externally called callback function

Wimpie Nortje wimpienortje at gmail.com
Sun Aug 2 20:17:24 CEST 2009

Thanks, I'll have a look

Jonas Maebe wrote:
> On 02 Aug 2009, at 20:02, Wimpie Nortje wrote:
>> Thanks for the response.
>> The library uses a centralised function to start all its threads 
>> using pthread_create. If I can make this central function inform FPC 
>> about all the threads created, would this work?
> There is no interface in the RTL to inform it about newly created 
> external threads, so it would be quite hard.
>> Assuming it would work:  what information would FPC require? When 
>> would this info be required, before or after thread creation? What 
>> needs to be done on the FPC side with this info?
> Look at rtl/unix/cthreads.pp, in the functions CBeginThread/ThreadMain 
> and CEndThread (they also call generic code from rtl/inc/thread.inc, 
> such as InitThread and DoneThread).
> Jonas
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