[fpc-pascal] Installing on Mac OS X

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho felipemonteiro.carvalho at gmail.com
Tue Sep 2 12:55:00 CEST 2008

On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 12:26 PM, Paul <paul.blommaerts at telenet.be> wrote:
> I can't find them with Finder and that's where I should find it.
> It's too irritating for me now, and therefore I need to learn Mac OS X
> first.

Yes, they hide the unix directories, so you can't see them with
Finder. I find that *very* annoying too. Use the command line to find
what you need. I think it's located in /Application/Utilities/Terminal
or something similar

then navigate using unix commands:

cd /usr/local/share/
ls -l

I not a big fan of this approach which treats the users as idiots.
There are some ideas here about how to show the unix directories in
finder. I never tested them myself, but certainly will:


Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho

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