[fpc-pascal] Best method to uninstall fpc and lazarus

Jonas Maebe jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be
Tue Sep 2 12:21:30 CEST 2008

On 02 Sep 2008, at 11:12, Paul wrote:

>> The uninstall steps on the wiki at http://wiki.freepascal.org/OS_X_Programming_Tips#Uninstalling_Lazarus_and_Free_Pascal
> rm -fv $bin/ppcppc  shows "permission denied"
> Didn't test all subsequent items

"You can copy and save the commands below to file uninstallLaz.sh and  
run it if you need to uninstall Lazarus and Free Pascal. You can  
usually install newer versions of Lazarus and Free Pascal over older  
versions, but as with most software it's not a bad idea to clean out  
everything before you install a newer version. This list of commands  
should also give you a sense of where the various pieces of Lazarus  
and Free Pascal are located."
[ commands ]

To run this script, change to the directory where it's stored and enter:

  chmod +x uninstallLaz.sh
  sudo ./uninstallLaz.sh

Then enter your password when prompted.

Or you can, as Damien Gerard mentioned, directly prefix all commands  
with "sudo".


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