[fpc-pascal] helpsystem, some numbers

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Tue Oct 28 12:44:09 CET 2008

On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 4:19 PM, Marco van de Voort <marcov at stack.nl> wrote:
>                     html           html
> help package    size on disk(k)  real size(k) chm(k)
> rtl                38816          22096       1865
> lcl                107404         72499       5227
> fcl                8548            5148        445
> -------------------------------------------------------

rtl with 7zip = 762KB
fc with 7zip = 117KB

I don't have the LCL help local.  Like I said, I have not seen
anything beat 7-zip yet. ;-)

I also double checked. With a "solid archive", one stream of all
files, it is still possible to read a specific file from the archive
without decompressing the whole bunch.

I used Total Command 6.55 with the 7-zip plugin v0.4.6.  Total
Commander and the 7-zip plugin is written in Object Pascal (delphi).
No dependencies on external libraries. I ran Total Commander under
Linux by the way.

7-zip plugin settings:
  Compression level: Ultra
  Compression method: LZMA
  Dictionary size: 32Mb
  Word  size: 64
  Solid Archive (one stream for all files):  check

  - Graeme -

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