[fpc-pascal] Cross-compiling for a different Mac OS X version (was: Re: OT: Buy a Mac to develop for MacOS? Which one?)

Jonas Maebe jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be
Mon Oct 13 08:26:18 CEST 2008

On 13 Oct 2008, at 02:42, John Stoneham wrote:

> Until Apple makes a 17" MacBook Pro

Well, they already do, albeit with a lower resolution than your Dell.

> I beileve
> Apple went Intel-only with the release of Leopard

No, they didn't. That will probably happen with the next release  
(10.6, aka Snow Leopard).

> and most Tiger machines
> were intel as well

Not really.

> Plus, if you compile your app on Tiger, it will
> run on Leopard, but not the other way around.

You can compile apps on Leopard which run all the way back to Jaguar  
(10.2.8). You do have to use the proper SDK (-XR/path/to/SDK) and tell  
the linker to generate compatible binaries (-k"-macosx_version_min  
10.2" or whatever).


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