[fpc-pascal] Re: command-line+Carbon template

Jonas Maebe jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be
Sun Oct 5 13:37:13 CEST 2008

On 05 Oct 2008, at 13:31, logrus at amberagents.com wrote:

> If by "the two tests" you mean testing the FPC version vs. testing the
> CodeWarrior version, then: yes, I'm pretty sure, since I'm running  
> them
> both on the same machine (a Powerbook G4 laptop running Mac OSX  
> 10.4.11).
> The tests are self-contained within that machine (the LISP code  
> running
> under Windows XP Pro courtesy of Virtual PC), and there is no access  
> to
> any networked or other special file system.

Well, the "shared folder" functionality of Virtual PC (to access  
folder on the Mac side seamlessly in Virtual PC) presents such folders  
as networked drives to the Windows side. Still, it doesn't explain by  
itself the difference between the FPC and CodeWarrior code on the same  


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