[fpc-pascal] Re: command-line+Carbon template

Jonas Maebe jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be
Sat Oct 4 22:59:35 CEST 2008

On 04 Oct 2008, at 22:48, logrus at amberagents.com wrote:

> I'm not sure if you saw my most recent post, where I described what  
> I was
> actually doing, in response to Jonas's concern that the LISP code  
> might be
> trying to read the FPC-created file before it had been closed.
> I'm actually writing to a dummy file name (suffixed ".TMP"), then  
> closing
> the dummy file and renaming it to the one the LISP app is looking for
> (suffixed ".DAT"). Does this sound more or less what you had in  
> mind? In
> any case, my method's not working. :(

You could try running

sudo fs_usage -w yourapp

to see what exactly is going on at the file system level. Or you can  
start your application and run "sudo fs_usage -w" in a separate  
Terminal window to see all system wide file system operations (i.e.,  
also those of the LISP program).


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