[fpc-pascal] Cannot run mplayer with TProcess when options is poUsePipes in Windows
Henry Vermaak
henry.vermaak at gmail.com
Mon Nov 10 10:51:24 CET 2008
2008/11/10 Dusan Halicky <dusan.halicky at gmail.com>:
> Following code works in linux, but not in windows. In windows program
> freeze, or I don't see mplayer. Thanks.
> program bug;
> {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
> uses
> Classes, SysUtils, Process;
> begin
> with TProcess.Create(nil) do
> try
> //Options := []; // this work on both Windows and Linux
> Options := [poUsePipes]; // this doesn't work in Windows but works in Linux
> CommandLine := 'mplayer -slave -quiet final.avi';
is there an mplayer.exe in a directory on the path (or windows directory)?
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