[fpc-pascal] Generics

Damien Gerard milipili at shikami.org
Mon Mar 31 15:00:30 CEST 2008

I would like to make a generic class, like this :

{$mode objfpc}

generic TMCollection<_T> = class(TObject)
     FDefaultItem: _T;  // line 35
     constructor Create;
     destructor Destroy;override;

But I have got the following :
commons.pas(35,21) Error: Identifier not found "_T"
commons.pas(35,21) Error: Error in type definition
commons.pas(39,34) Error: Identifier not found "_T"
commons.pas(44,84) Error: Identifier not found "_T"

According to the documentation, I should use `var private`, but I have  
got :

Compiling ./commons.pas
commons.pas(33,3) Error: VAR and TYPE are allowed only in generics
commons.pas(35,21) Error: Identifier not found "_T"

Could someone tell me where I am wrong ?
Thanks !

Damien Gerard
milipili at shikami.org

"Intelligence is 10 million rules."
    -- Douglas Lenat

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