[fpc-pascal] Unicode filenames

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Sun Jun 29 18:27:15 CEST 2008

2008/6/29 Vincent Snijders <vsnijders at quicknet.nl>:
> How does the RTL support using unicode filenames (e.g. file names that
> cannot be represented by the ansi char set)?
> For example the FileExists function takes a string which is encoded in the
> system char set. If the system char set is UTF8, like most linuxes and Mac
> OS X, then there is no problem. But on windows using a western european
> charset, I cannot check for existence of a file with cyrilic characters,
> even though I can enter them in the windows explorer and create such files.

In fpGUI we use UTF-8 for everything. We have wrapper file access
functions which replaces the RTL ones. The unit is called


function fpgFileExists(const FileName: TfpgString): Boolean;
  Result := FileExists(fpgToOSEncoding(FileName));

fpgToOSEncoding() is then implemented in platform dependent include
files (like FPC also does with many functions).

Linux & *BSD X11:
// yes we assume UTF-8. Only very old Linux versions don't use UTF-8,
but that is very rare now.
function fpgToOSEncoding(aString: TfpgString): string;
  Result := aString;

Windows GDI:
function fpgToOSEncoding(aString: TfpgString): string;
  Result := Utf8ToAnsi(aString);

 - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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