[fpc-pascal] FreePascal on ARM Linux ,SoftFloat and EABI issues

Luca Olivetti luca at ventoso.org
Sun Jun 1 11:47:12 CEST 2008

En/na Marco van de Voort ha escrit:
>> As per Terry's instructions I changed  t_linux.pas to use ld-linux.so.3 
>> if compiled with -dFPC-ARMEL.
> That's not necessary, a -FD in the fpc.cfg works too without changing +
> recompiling.

"-FD<x>     sets the directory where to search for compiler utilities"

How do I use it to define the default dynamic linker?

>> My guess is that the rtl/packages were compiled without the 
>> '-dFPC-ARMEL' when I made the compiler with
>> make zipinstall OPT='-CfSOFT -dFPC-ARMEL -O-'
>> (I didn't pay too much attention but I'm sure that at least it didn't 
>> pass the '-O-' while compiling the rtl).
>> Hints?
> It should work like this. However most makefile commands that involve a
> bootstrapping step ignore fpc.cfg, that is afaik documented.

I'm not sure I understand correctly.
I added the '-dFPC-ARMEL' *after* making the compiler+rtl, if I put it 
in *before*, will be taken into account while building the rtl/packages 
or will it be ignored?
If the latter, how do I make sure the rtl/packages are built with 


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