[fpc-pascal] EOLESysError calling CreateOLEObject

Inoussa OUEDRAOGO inoussa12 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 22 16:40:51 CEST 2008

2008/7/22 Marco van de Voort <marcov at stack.nl>:
>> > Apparantly when I converted the headers, I thought there only was one ID.
>> > However it seems that classids, and the ids in interfaces are different.
>> >
>> > I don't know enough from com to understand the difference,
>> classids are used to identify implementation objects, while iid
>> identify interfaces as in regular object pascal interface ( used in
>> QueryInterface ).
>> The COM obects creation routines ( CoCreateObject and friends ) expect
>> a classid to locate the implementation object to instanciate.
> Ok, makes sense, thanks. Now I understand what I fixed.
> However the windows headers don't have a really good place or uniform way to
> declare either, so I can't do a bit of grepping and isolate all clsids.
> However I found a big batch (160 of them) in the comdef header, with among
> them the correct value of clsid_shelllink (so I know they are really
> clsids). These are already committed, and I'll try to get it in 2.2.2.
> On some website sb hinted that there are even more kinds (fmtids and
> cgids), do you happen to know more about those too?

I never heard about fmtids and cgids.

Inoussa O.

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