[fpc-pascal] Re: FCL-DB/SQLDB docs started

Chris Kirkpatrick chris.kirkpatrick at doctors.org.uk
Wed Jan 23 13:35:43 CET 2008

Hi John, Joost and Adrian -

As you might know, I have been trying to get the documentation for parts 
of the Lazarus Component Library (LCL) into shape, mainly by putting 
information into the .XML files associated with each Unit, to enable 
generation of .HTML files using FPDoc. Quite a few elements in the LCL 
are now documented to the stage that useful information appears as 
on-line hints when using the Lazarus IDE.

I have started trying to describe some of the Data-Aware components (see 
the DataAccess and Data Control tabs in the Component Palette) but am 
having to delve deeply into the SQLDb and Db files in the FCL in order 
to get information to describe the use of these components. So I should 
very much like to collaborate with you guys in improving the 
documentation of sqldb and fc-db, as well as the stuff in the LCL. I 
agree we should try to use the FPDoc approach as suggested by Joost.

I have been given commit access to the /docs/xml/lcl/ directory in the 
lazarus SVN tree. At present the SQLDb and fcl-db documentation files 
would not appear in that pathway, and we would need to find some way of 
sharing our work on the files - perhaps we need to find a branch of SVN 
to which some or all of us gain access.

I am copying this communication to the lazarus developers list, as they 
are the guys with write-access to the appropriate SVN repositories, and 
may be able to offer suggestions on how best to proceed. I am also 
copying it to the main lazarus mailing list, in the hope that more 
volunteers may emerge!

Please keep in touch and keep the impetus going.

Regards - Chris

John wrote:
> Adrian Maier wrote:
>> Are there any people still interested in making it possible to have 
>> some real
>> docs for sqldb and fcl-db ?
>> If so, let's organize ourselves and see what needs to be done .  I am 
>> very
>> interested in the subject but I can't do it myself alone :   if I 
>> knew enough
>> about sqldb I wouldn't be so unhappy about the lack of documentation .
> Hi Adrian,
> I am also.
> cheers,
> John Sunderland
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