[fpc-pascal] Copying array raising exception

Joao Morais post at joaomorais.com.br
Wed Jan 23 13:22:01 CET 2008


The following code:

   s1, s2: string;
   v1, v2: array of byte;
   writeln('testing strings');
   s1 := 'test';
   s2 := copy(s1, 2, 10);
   writeln('s2: "', s2, '" which length is ', length(s2));
   s2 := copy(s1, 10, 10);
   writeln('s2: "', s2, '" which length is ', length(s2));
   writeln('now testing dynamic array');
   setlength(v1, 5);
   v2 := copy(v1, 2, 10);
   writeln('length is: ', length(v2));
   v2 := copy(v1, 6, 10);         //  <<-- here
   writeln('length is: ', length(v2));

will raise an exception, range check error iirc, trying to copy an array 
beyond the number of its items. Just to know if this was designed or I 
should report to mantis.


Joao Morais
ps - Michael, now my Format function rocks =)

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