[fpc-pascal] FreePascal Coding style

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Mon Jan 21 13:27:52 CET 2008

On 21/01/2008, Vinzent Hoefler <JeLlyFish.software at gmx.net> wrote:
> But how would it solve
> |type
> |   FooBar = (Foo,
> |             Bar);

Look at the flash demo on the website for an example of this!
Lets say gEdit (linux editor) has support for ET.

You would type

<tab>FooBar = (<tab>Foo,
<tab>Bar );

That would result in (if you email shows monospaced fonts):

   FooBar = ( Foo,
              Bar );

The other nice thing is, it's font independent. You can even use
variable width fonts and it will still line up correctly. Whenever you
press TAB, it tries to find the closest TabStop (a tabstop is NOT a
tab character) normally from the lines before it. Then when you save,
it can convert the alignment to spaces.

If the editor fully support ET then you can set the MinimumWidth
(defaults to 40 pixels I think) and PaddingWidth (defaults to 16
pixels I think).  As you can see it uses pixels and not character
widths. ET changes the visual appears in the editor and it does this
with editor TabStops and not inserted characters.

As I said, it took me a while to fully understand ET as well. :)

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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