[fpc-pascal] Re: Procedures in records not supported :(

Milan Marusinec milan at marusinec.sk
Sat Feb 9 22:26:42 CET 2008

Skybuck Flying wrote:
> My most recent code uses the new feature "procedures in records".
> It seems fpc 2.2.0 does not support procedures in records.
> I was hoping fpc 2.2.0 could replace Delphi 2007 compiler because 
> Delphi 2007 compiler is malfunctioning...
> I really like this new feature and I simply must must must must must 
> have it ! ;)
> // *** Begin of Code ***
> unit tweedelul;
> interface
> type
> Tstinky = record
>  a : integer;
>  procedure Here;
> end;


Use "object" instead of "record" and you will have
also inheritance as a bonus on top of that :-)

Recently on this list there was a nice discussion here
about object versus record.

PS: I really like the way Borland is making "new" features
from the old one ... hehe


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