[fpc-pascal] Re: FCL-DB/SQLDB docs started

Chris Kirkpatrick chris.kirkpatrick at doctors.org.uk
Mon Feb 4 10:10:38 CET 2008

Hi Joost -
Would you have time to do the same for SQLDb? Otherwise, should I do a 
MakeSkel and send you a zipped file to commit?
I have already started work on Db, but the two units depend heavily upon 
each other.
Regards - Chris

Joost van der Sluis wrote:
> Op vrijdag 25-01-2008 om 23:59 uur [tijdzone +0000], schreef Chris
> Kirkpatrick:
>> As far as I can see, there are no files relevant to fc-db or SQLDb in 
>> this repository. Have you committed your skeleton XMLs yet? If so, in 
>> which subdirectory?
> I just did, revision 373, in the root you can find db.xml.
> Joost
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