[fpc-pascal] html and chm help (lcl, fcl) translation in other languages ?

Andreas Frieß friess at gmx.at
Thu Dec 25 10:41:09 CET 2008

when i search for the lazarus help system with html and the comming chm, 
i didn't find information about the creating this, for other languages.

It is not clear for me, how to handle this. The study of the structure 
of the svn and the search inside of the wiki and the docs didn't make it 
clear for me

1st Question:
Should this handled by extension of the xml-files like
English: actnlist.xml
German: actnlist.de.xml
or creating a new 'docs-de' (beside the current 'docs')path ?

i found only, fpdoc should be able to handle some languages by using an 

2nd Question:
Are there more information about this theme available, or a designguide? 
(I know the source of the fcl/lcl documentaion)

It is interesting for me, because i will spend time in documentation (in 
german for germans) for the project. I see with the LazInfos (in German 
only) the people want documentation in their native language.

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