[fpc-pascal] Free Pascal Support for ARM Architecture

Jonas Maebe jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be
Sun Dec 7 23:53:16 CET 2008

On 07 Dec 2008, at 23:01, Prince Riley wrote:

> On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 3:11 PM, Jonas Maebe  
> <jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be>wrote:
>> On 07 Dec 2008, at 00:30, Prince Riley wrote:
>> A few additional points if I may ..
>>> When you say the FP supports the ARM architecture my specific  
>>> question is
>>> how does FP 'inform' the GNU assembler back end of which ARM  
>>> architecture
>>> is
>>> intended ...
>> FPC does not specify any particular sub-architecture to the  
>> assembler. I
>> guess this means it's just a generic ARMv4 (i.e., ARM7 and above).
> OK.. well if that opinion is just a guess, then as this is really a  
> question
> that has to be answered by actually looking at the FP code and  
> finding out
> what it sets as the ARM specific GNU AS command line options.

"FPC does not specify any particular sub-architecture to the  
assembler." was not an opinion or a guess, but a fact. What sub- 
architecture the GNU assembler picks in that case (i.e., by default)  
was the guess.


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