[fpc-pascal] GUI application sample for windows and linux

Nataraj S Narayan natarajsn at gmail.com
Wed Aug 6 10:39:30 CEST 2008

Hi Graeme

I am trying out fpgui for arm-linux. Please tell me how different are
msegui and fpgui. Why do we need two of them, if both are writing
direct w/o gtk or qt?



On Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 1:47 PM, Graeme Geldenhuys
<graemeg.lists at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 8/5/08, Osvaldo Filho <arquivostcf at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi, i need a sample of an application with this:
>> One form
>> One button with an event, the event: showmessage('Hello, my name is: '+
>> button.name)
>> The application to be need cross plataform for windows and linux and not use
>> gtk, gtk2, qt or fpGui.
> That is not a trivial task!  For example: fpGUI talks directly to GDI
> (windows) and XLib (Linux & FreeBSD). The make the whole process
> "cross-platform" for the users of fpGUI, you have to abstract all
> drawing and painting calls to abstract classes. Override/Implement
> them for specific platforms. Then place a platform neutral interface
> over those. Plus you need to handle OS events, the event loop and
> application events in a cross-platform way....  Now the developer can
> use the platform neutral classes to design there applications and not
> worry about the platforms specific backend.  A huge task which I have
> been busy with for the last 1.5 years in fpGUI.
> It's simply easier to use one of the existing cross-platform
> solutions. The ones I know of that are implemented in Free Pascal are:
> fpGUI, MSEgui and Lazarus.  Or if you are not happy with any of those
> and you are up to the challenge and you have A LOT of spare time, then
> start implemented you own cross-platform GUI toolkit.  :-)
> Good luck!
> Regards,
>  - Graeme -
> _______________________________________________
> fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit
> http://opensoft.homeip.net/fpgui/
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