[fpc-pascal] fast text processing

Vincent Snijders vsnijders at quicknet.nl
Wed Oct 31 14:14:56 CET 2007

Bee schreef:
>> But people who have seen
>> http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/gp4/benchmark.php?test=regexdna&lang=all 
>> may have doubted that.
> Vincent, are we connected or what?! I was about to post the very exact 
> URL! :-D
>> I wonder where fpc would end up in that list,
>> A: if it uses its own regexpr parser (atm not good enough)
>> B: if it uses Jeff's header translations for pcre
> I prefer it would use fpc own regexpr unit instead of using other 
> language libraries. IMO, it'd show the power of pascal (fpc) by itself. ;)

Sure, but as Jonas pointed out it is better to use a good library than the write a 
bad library yourself. Feel free to improve the regexpr unit, if you want it to be used.


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