[fpc-pascal] Re: [MacPascal] FPC and Mac OS X 10.5

Jonas Maebe jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be
Tue Oct 30 18:32:47 CET 2007

On 26 Oct 2007, at 16:58, Jonas Maebe wrote:

> I will merge the fixes for the last two issues to FPC 2.2.1 some time
> during the coming days and put up snapshot installers with that
> version for PPC and i386 on the ftp site.

They are now uploaded and available at respectively (mind the line  

PowerPC (25MB):
< ftp://ftpmaster.freepascal.org/pub/fpc/snapshot/v22/powerpc-macosx/ 
fpc-2.2.1-r8950.powerpc-macosx.dmg >

Intel (41MB):
< ftp://ftpmaster.freepascal.org/pub/fpc/snapshot/v22/i386-macosx/ 
fpc-2.2.1-r8950.intel-macosx.dmg >

As of tomorrow they will also be available from the mirrors (except  
for SourceForge) via the website.


PS: these snapshots also work on previous versions of Mac OS X, but  
unless you know that a particular bug which affects you has been  
fixed in FPC 2.2.1 in the mean time, it's advisable to stay with the  
previous release for now.

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