[fpc-pascal] Run process and exit (win32)

L L at z505.com
Tue Oct 23 16:17:34 CEST 2007

> > Thanks L, do you know if I ShellExecute can create a process without showing
> > the command window?
> I'm sure you can hide it.. just a matter of finding the right Windows API
> paramaters..
> Probably something like..
> Not tested, not sure. ;-)

Actually, maybe cmd /c will help you too (or not)

cmd [[{/c|/k}] [/s] [/q] [/d]
     [{/a|/u}] [/t:fg]
     [/e:{on|off}] [/f:{on|off}]
     [/v:{on|off}] string]

/c : Carries out the command specified by string and then stops.
/k : Carries out the command specified by string and continues.
/s : Modifies the treatment of string after /c or /k.
/q : Turns the echo off.
/d : Disables execution of AutoRun commands.
/a : Creates American National Standards Institute (ANSI) output.
/u : Creates Unicode output.
/t:fg : Sets the foreground f and background g colors. The following tables
lists valid hexadecimal digits that you can use as the values for f and g.

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