[fpc-pascal] Dynamic array as return type of functions

Michalis Kamburelis michalis.kambi at gmail.com
Wed May 23 10:06:25 CEST 2007

Christos Chryssochoidis wrote:
> Hi, 
> I tried to write some function that returned a dynamic array, and
> realized that this isn't allowed. Why? After all one can specify an
> array of variable length as type for variables... Furthermore - if I'm
> not mistaken - a dynamic array is implemented internally as a pointer,
> and so there wouldn't be any runtime overhead for returning a dynamic
> array from a  function.

It *is* allowed. The only trick is that you have to declare a type for
your dynamic array, i.e. you have to write something like

  type TDynInts = array of Integer;
  function MakeArray: TDynInts;

instead of

  function MakeArray: array of Integer;

This quick example compiles fine in objfpc mode:

  TDynInts = array of Integer;

function MakeArray: TDynInts;
  SetLength(Result, 2);
  Result[0] := 0;
  Result[1] := 1;

  A: TDynInts;
  A := MakeArray;
  Writeln(A[0], ' ', A[1]);


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