[fpc-pascal] Equivalent of Delphi map files...

Jonas Maebe jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be
Fri Mar 2 09:34:50 CET 2007

On 02 Mar 2007, at 09:32, Jonas Maebe wrote:

>>> -k--print-map
>> Hmm. And then how to redirect the linker's standard output to a file
>> named the same as a the source?
> You have to manually redirect the output to where you want it to  
> got. Since linking happens on a per-program/library basis and not  
> on a per-unit basis, it isn't that difficult to do this.

Or you can search a bit further in the man page until you arrive at  
this option:

        -Map mapfile
            Print  a link map to the file mapfile.  See the  
description of the
            -M option, above.

-k"-Map mapfile"


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