[fpc-pascal] Master Detail relationship in SQLdb

Martin Schreiber fpmse at bluewin.ch
Fri Jul 13 15:20:54 CEST 2007

On Thursday 12 July 2007 16.18, John wrote:
> Another question (sort of related)
> The only way I have been able to get the query to 'read' the new
> parameter value is to close and reopen the query.  Should this be so ?
> This means it unprepares and then re-prepares the (same) query,
> reallocates all the fields...  Is there not some way of just
> re-executing the same prepared query with the new bound value(s) ?
> (I guess it means I could work around my problem by just modifying the
> sql text each time, as I would have no additional overhead, but it seems
> the "wrong way" to go about it!)
MSEgui has the component "tfieldparamlink" to implement master detail 
relationship. In SVN trunk I just modified the tmsesqldb.refresh procedure 
not to unprepare the SQL statement.
If you need fast access to the lookup values you can use a "tdblookupbuffer".


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