[fpc-pascal] Copy and Dynamic Arrays

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Wed Jan 31 09:53:33 CET 2007


How do I copy Dynamic Arrays?  I can't do what I used to in Delphi,
using the Copy() function, as FPC keeps telling me I have the wrong
number of parameters.

Doesn't FPC supporting copying dynamic arrays?

I have the following code which works in Delphi

procedure TSomeClass.FooBar(AArray: array of string);
 lArray: array of string;
  lArray := Copy(AArray);

>From the Kylix help:
Note: When S is a dynamic array, you can omit the Index and Count
parameters and Copy copies the entire array.

Graeme Geldenhuys

There's no place like S34° 03.168'  E018° 49.342'

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