[fpc-pascal] Different Object Code formats

Matt Emson memsom at interalpha.co.uk
Fri Jan 26 17:42:10 CET 2007

> COFF is something like TIFF or AVI. Usually linkers and assembler don't
make use
> of everythin one format supports. Best bet is to dump some object files of
> CodeWarrior and try to adapt the FPC coff backend so it is also able to
> CodeWarrior compatible coffs.

Or, if CodeWarrior has an assembler (it does on some platforms, not others),
it might be worth just going that route. It might well be simpler to create
.s files and have codewarrior assemble and link them.

Having worked with CodeWarrior under PowerPC (BeOS and MacOS) it's not the
best compiler toolset in the world unfortunately. The other thing to look
at: does the CodeWarrior have a native object format? I know it does under
MacOS for PEF target. It might be a lot simpler to implement their native
object format as, at least under PowerPC, the COFF support sucks.

One trick that one of the BeOS developers (Fred Fish specifically) used was
to use GCC to assemble a single big old object file in COFF format (I forget
the exact format... it was some lib format for AIX though IIRC) and link
that with the mwld... That might be a route to try?

As you're using some other Arch, this is all probably no help, but I feel
your pain.


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