[fpc-pascal] Complex number calculation with FPC?

Tobias Diekershoff tobias at diekershoff.net
Mon Jan 15 19:13:15 CET 2007

Hello everybody,

I have to write a fitting program against an equation resulting from
Fresnel's equations, using complex numbers.

Is there an easy way (meaning I don't want do implement the basics by
myself, as I only have two weeks for the task) to do some
multiplications and exp(i...) calls with FPC?

Thanks in advance!

so long

           O O
/------uUu-/ \-uUu--------------------\
|          \_/   Tobias Diekershoff   |
| URl ...... www.diekershoff.net      |
| Mail ..... tobias at diekershoff.net   |
| PGP-ID ... 0x66A73B17               |
| Jabber ... tobias.d at jabber.ccc.de   |
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