[fpc-pascal] an old Turbo-Pascal source

Jason P Sage jasonpsage at jegas.org
Wed Jan 3 20:51:10 CET 2007

Regarding porting the .^Screen references, if you know the format of how
screen memory works.. you can allocate your own memory block and treat it
like the screen and then make (usually need two) routines to move that data
to the screen via a more FreePascal friendly method.

I say two routines - because I've done this kind of programming using
another language call Synergy DiBoL as well as with FreePascal using the
"video" unit. Which BTW is fairly portable to my knowledge. 

The first main ROUTINE for moving the "screen mem data" through the video
unit does a complete screen draw. 

The other is kind of a dual purpose routine that allows writing to both
simultaneously - that is - in mine I would have a basic call that allowed me
to write a char to a specific cell on the screen and it would actually
modify my own "screen" mem as well as use the video unit. This way a
complete redraw still works.

Now admittedly - you will probably end up doing a lot of variations for this
single char "core" routine - like to only change foreground color in a cell,
or only background color - and maybe do advanced stuff like handle the
blinky cursor thing, and allow writing entire strings etc.

I have an old lib online called SageAPI3 or something - but its for
freepascal 1.0.9 I think or something and I have newer 2.0.x code available
here: http://www.jegas.org/?PAGE=main&SECTION=download

Its not documented - and is only a subset of what I'm working on but there
is some neat code in there that might help ya.

Best Regards,

Jason P Sage
jasonpsage at jegas.com

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