[fpc-pascal] help with serial.pp unit please
Graeme Geldenhuys
graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Thu Dec 13 08:22:19 CET 2007
I'm trying to write a Phone Dialer feature in my application. I
managed to do this a long time ago in a Delphi app using Windows API
calls, but now I need it for Linux and Windows. Unfortunately the
serial.pp unit is not documented and searching the FPC src directory
didn't yield any examples either.
So the code below is a shot in the dark. Could anybody familiar with
the serial.pp unit comment please. If I get this working, maybe it
can serve as a simple example of using the serial.pp unit?
A few notes and questions:
1. ComPortToString will create a string containing the selected com
port of the OS. eg Linux = '/dev/tty0' or under Windows = 'COM1'
2. What status codes does SerWrite() return? What are valid/invalid codes?
3. Does my 'hangup the phone' string look correct?
---------------------[ Start ]----------------------------------
s := ComPortToString;
serialhandle := SerOpen(s);
s := 'ATDT' + FNumberToDial + #13+#10; //Create a string to
send to modem.
writecount := 0;
status := SerWrite(serialhandle, s, writecount);
// The next line is for debugging only!
writeln('status: ', status, ' writecount: ', writecount);
if status > 0 then // What am I supposed to test for???
ShowMessage('Pick up the phone.' + #13 + 'Click OK after
dialing has completed.');
s := 'ATH^M^J';
status := SerWrite(serialhandle, s, writecount);
ShowMessage('Unable to dial number.');
---------------------[ END ]----------------------------------
- Graeme -
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