[fpc-pascal] can we have fpc's doc in chm format? [Patch]

Andrew Haines AndrewD207 at aol.com
Fri Dec 7 16:32:28 CET 2007

Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> On Fri, 07 Dec 2007 09:43:57 -0500
> Andrew Haines <AndrewD207 at aol.com> wrote:
>> Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
>>> On Fri, 7 Dec 2007, Andrew Haines wrote:
>>>> Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
>>>>> On Fri, 7 Dec 2007, Andrew Haines wrote:
>>>>>> PS you can have a peek at some chm's I made with fpdoc here:
>>>>>> http://hainesservice.com/andrew/chms/ they are all crosslinked.
>>>>> With kchmviewer I get the following errors:
>>>>> An error occurred while loading
>>>>> ms-its:/home/michael/Documents/fcl.chm::/streamio/assignstream.html:
>>>>> The file or folder
>>>>> ms-its:/home/michael/Documents/fcl.chm::/streamio/assignstream.html
>>>>> does not exist 
>>>>> Same for every other page, even the index page.
>>>>> With chmsee, I can load the initial page, but the first 5 units
>>>>> or so cannot be found. Others seem to work well. So it seems that
>>>>> there are some glitches in the file generation. 
>>>>> Nevertheless, the basic functionalities seem to be there, so
>>>>> kudos to you... :)
>>>> Maybe your download is corrupted somehow... I just downloaded
>>>> kchmviewer and chmsee and it works fine here. Also the MS reader
>>>> which seems to be the most picky reads the file.
>>> Hm. 
>>> I just re-downloaded, and have the same problems, with both
>>> programs, for all files :/ I also just downloaded some ISO images,
>>> and those came through without a glitch, so I'm not entirely
>>> convinced it is the download (unless something is wrong with the
>>> files on your site..)
>>> Ah well, the mysteries of internet :/
>> I downloaded the files and they are ok.
>> Looking at the log it looks like you've only downloaded the lcl.chm
>> file again, Maybe your browser is caching. try using wget.
>> wget http://hainesservice.com/andrew/chms/fcl.chm
>> wget http://hainesservice.com/andrew/chms/rcl.chm
>> wget http://hainesservice.com/andrew/chms/lcl.chm
> I downloaded them, installed kchmviewer 3.1 (ubuntu gutsy) and got:
> An error occurred while loading
> ms-its:/home/mattias/file:/home/mattias/pascal/docs/rtl.chm::/index.html:
> Could not read file
> ms-its:/home/mattias/file:/home/mattias/pascal/docs/rtl.chm::/index.html.
> Similar errors for the other two files.

Ok, well I've put the original chm files in a couple of tar.bz2 files on
that page. So if they still don't work I'm stumped.


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