[fpc-pascal] Target path of a SymLink file

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Wed Aug 15 12:11:51 CEST 2007


Is there a function in SysUtils or some other place in RTL that I can
use to extract the target path of a symlink file?  I'm using
FindFirst/FindNext.  The sr.Attrib and faSymLink is True, but I can't
(in a easy way) see how I can actually find out where it points to.
I'm thinking x-platform here.

Something like ExtractSymLinkPath(). :)  Thinking of other available
functions like ExpandUNCFileName() or ExtractFilePath() or
ExtractRelativePath() etc..

I have the following code that works, but then I need to wrap it in
IFDEF's so it doesn't execute under Windows.  I don't want IFDEF's in
my code!  I'm hoping RTL has something already and just returns a
blank string for Windows, just like the faSymLink which means nothing
under Windows, yet is available.

      info : _stat;
    fullname := FDirectoryName + e.Name;
    if lstat(PChar(fullname),info) = 0 then
      e.IsLink := ((sr.Mode and $F000) = $A000);
      if e.IsLink then
        SetLength(e.LinkTarget, MAX_PATH);  // length was 256
        r := libc.readlink(PChar(fullname),@(e.LinkTarget[1]),
        if r > 0 then
          SetLength(e.LinkTarget, r)
          e.LinkTarget := '';
        libc.stat(PChar(fullname), info);


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