[fpc-pascal] OT: Rename for Pascal

Florian Klaempfl florian at freepascal.org
Mon Aug 13 16:03:14 CEST 2007

Tom Walsh schrieb:
> ik wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I wonder how can we make Pascal and FPC more attractive to people, and
>> I believe in what Donal Knuth have said:
>> "The most important thing in the programming language is the name. A
>> language will not succeed without a good name. I have recently
>> invented a very good name and now I am looking for a suitable
>> language."
>> So I believe that  if we will change the name, it might help. What do
>> you think ? And what name will you prefer to see FPC as ?
> FWIW, I am in the early stages of a commercial development using Free
> Pascal and have to submit weekly progress reports.  I cringe whenever I
> have to put the phrase "Free Pascal Compiler" in the report!  This
> project is with a company that just spent 4+ million US dollars on a
> Java solution (client and server side) to replace all their old Pascal
> code, then, their clients told them they didn't like the Java solution,
> that they wanted to keep using the Pascal stuff!
> Not that the compiler is junky, but the word "Free" does have a negative
> connotation.  Many business people still associate "free software" with
> that of being low-quality.  

Probably the same negative connotation I have with "business people" and
the quality of "business software" :)

> Business people are used to paying thousands
> of dollars for any development software worthy of notice, the word
> "free" doesn't fit into their thinking.
> Using the word "free" while reporting, or talking to them, about the
> project is an oxymoron. I am not "free", I get a substantial hourly rate.
> If you renamed it to the "Open Source Pascal Compiler" it would be more
> accurate?

Well, the name Free Pascal Compiler has some history. Initially, I
called it FPK Pascal. FPK are my initials. But a lot of people though it
means Florian's Pascal Kompiler making Compiler a semi german word
(Kompiler with K is never used in German though). Further, when other
people joined, I thought the name FPK Pascal isn't appropriate anymore
so we looked for a new name which was not that different from the old
one and Free Pascal Compiler was a good choice regarding this.

> Oh, and please, please change the name soon, ok?  I have a lot more of
> these reports to write...

Register a website businesspascal.biz and make the fpc installer
available there so you can write Business Pascal in your reports ;)

> Regards,
> TomW

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