[fpc-pascal] OT: Rename for Pascal

Tom Walsh tom at openhardware.net
Mon Aug 13 16:00:19 CEST 2007

Bisma Jayadi wrote:
>> This project is with a company that just spent 4+ million USD on a 
>> Java solution (client and server side) to replace all their old 
>> Pascal code, then, their clients told them they didn't like the Java 
>> solution, that they wanted to keep using the Pascal stuff!
> Isn't Java also free? :-P

The point is that the compiler is not "free", it is encumbered by a 
license.  People are gaining the idea that Open Source generally equates 
with "free" (as in no-expense).  However, in American English, the word 
"free" generally means "something of so little value that you can afford 
to give it away".  Perhaps in German it has a different connotation, or 
in British English...



Tom Walsh - WN3L - Embedded Systems Consultant
http://openhardware.net http://cyberiansoftware.com http://openzipit.org
"Windows? No thanks, I have work to do..."

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