[fpc-pascal] OT: Rename for Pascal

Michael Van Canneyt michael at freepascal.org
Mon Aug 13 11:06:42 CEST 2007

On Mon, 13 Aug 2007, ik wrote:

> > People forget the bottom line; FPC and Lazarus are HOBBY projects
> > for the core developers. We do not want or need to make money with
> > them. Otherwise we would not have made it open source in the first
> > place.
> >
> > If you do happen to make money on the side with it: congratulations.
> >
> > But do not expect business arguments to have any influence whatsoever
> > on the core developers. That includes name changes, which are simply
> > not debatable.
> The project IMHO is far from only be a hobby, because it catch up
> additional people, and there are commercial program using that hobby,
> and if you want believe that is should only be something small,then
> why do you support so much things, instead of just  supporting your
> own systems ?! it been a long time since it was only a hobby, now it's
> a project with audience.

Maybe I wasn't clear. It's not about big or small. 

It's about motivation. The motivation for the core people 
is not to make money. The motivation is to create a superior 

As such, 'business' arguments do not influence the motivation.

If people want to make money with it: By all means, do !
We explicitly changed the license to modified LGPL so you
can make money ! So please, get rich !

But do not expect us to change our motivation. 

Changing the name would be betraying ourselves, and all 
what Free Pascal stands for: a free, Open Source, portable
Pascal system.


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