[fpc-pascal] writing device driver using FPC

Luca Olivetti luca at ventoso.org
Thu Apr 5 17:25:39 CEST 2007

En/na Bisma Jayadi ha escrit:
>> What kind of windows driver? First choose that. There are lot´s and
>> lot´s of types of windows drivers.
> Device driver for a custom hardware connected through USB port.

I'm currently writing an "usermode" device driver for an USB device (a 
voip phone) using libusb (a c library) under linux. There's a pascal 
unit with the translated headers (don't remember where but google is 
your friend) and it's working quite well, there should also be a windows 
version of the library.
The only downside it that the current (quite old) version of the library 
doesn't do asynch i/o. With my device I can use 2 threads (one for 
writing and one for reading) but it's not guaranteed to work in every case.


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