[fpc-pascal] Threads executing in sequence instead of parallel

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Thu Sep 28 17:25:03 CEST 2006

The only FPC/Lazarus for windows I have is under the same VMWare
session as I used for Delph 7.  And yes it works there, using FPC
2.0.2 with a Lazarus 0.9.15 (9152).  I'll be at home in a hour, so
then I can try under FPC 2.1.1 and latest Lazarus.

  - Graeme -

On 28/09/06, Vincent Snijders <vsnijders at quicknet.nl> wrote:
> Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> > Just to give some more feedback.  Using that same Sort App, I compiled
> > it under Delphi 7, and ran it under Linux using WINE and the threading
> > worked correctly.  So somewhere in FPC or Lazarus lies the problem.
> > Yeah I know, not very specific.  :-)
> Can you try running the example on windows using fpc/lazarus?
> Vincent
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