
Dean Zobec dezobec at tin.it
Wed Sep 13 19:25:06 CEST 2006

bajrang soni ha scritto:
> Hello. I just downloaded you Free Pascal software. I haven't programmed in
> PASCAL for about 12 years. I am looking for a book or e-book that will 
> teach
> me how to use the NEW pascal. What is the best reference material that you
> can think of, consider me a beginner again!
> I need to get up to speed with pascal so that I can use the Delphi OOP
> interface, and have a clue as to what I am doing.
I suggest you to read this online chapter of Delphi in a Nutshell
related to Delphi Object Model, most of it applies to Free Pascal as well:
IMO It's the best short guide on the Pascal oop model.
Ciao, Dean

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