[fpc-pascal] Caching a big file on memory
Leonardo M. Ram�
martinrame at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 11 19:54:29 CEST 2006
I don't tested this with large files, but why don't you use TMemoryStream:
myFile: TMemoryStream;
myFile := TMemoryStream.Create;
--- Eduardo <nec556 at retena.com> wrote:
> Hello:
> I have a little problem, i participe in the 'Large Compression
> Benchmark' (http://cs.fit.edu/~mmahoney/compression/text.html) and
> need to cache the whole enwik8 file (100MB) on memory but when i try
> to allocate space for it i get a compiler error, saying that maximum
> is 64MB (67108864). I tried to use $MEMORY 200000000,500000000 (200MB
> stack and 500MB heap) and the compiler switches, but no success.
> I need all the file on RAM beacause i want to do a BWT, which
> implies a sort of the 100MB and uses 400 more MB, and doing so from
> hard disk is very slow. The contest has a time limit of 10 hours on a
> 1Ghz machine, but i need all speed at BWT/sort phase, so i can spend
> the time on getting better compression.
> Must i touch the system, rtl etc... files and recompile compiler? Or
> is there another, and simpler, way?
> P.D. Of course, my pc has more than 100 MB (1.25 GB)
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Leonardo M. Ramé
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