[fpc-pascal] Timer for Windows/Linux

"Fabrício F. Kammer" ffkammer at conchalnet.com.br
Fri Sep 1 18:48:54 CEST 2006

Thank you very much Felipe.

Where are you from?

I'm Brazilian too, from Conchal/SP.



Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho escreveu:
> On 9/1/06, "Fabrício F. Kammer" <ffkammer at conchalnet.com.br> wrote:
>> Do you have an example of how to use this loop on a thread?
>> Sorry, but I don't know threads very well.
> Yes, I have a very big example. It´s a GUI for a digital oscilloscope 
> board.
> The thread code is on the medidor.pas unit
> You can download it´s source code and full documentation here:
> http://eletronicalivre.incubadora.fapesp.br/portal/english/oscilloscope/

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