[fpc-pascal] Timer for Windows/Linux

"Fabrício F. Kammer" ffkammer at conchalnet.com.br
Fri Sep 1 17:05:28 CEST 2006

Thanks Felipe,

Do you have an example of how to use this loop on a thread?

Sorry, but I don't know threads very well.



Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho escreveu:
> On 9/1/06, "Fabrício F. Kammer" <ffkammer at conchalnet.com.br> wrote:
>> I need to implement a routine on my sofware to be executed each 5 
>> minutes.
> Write a loop that first stores the current time, then executed
> whatever you need, and then sleeps until current_time - previous_time
>> = 5 minutes. Like this:
>    while (not Terminated) do
>    begin
>      PreviousTime := Now;
>      // Do what you need to do
>      {----------------------------------------------
>        "sleeps" while currentTime - PreviousTime isn´t bigger then 5 
> minutes
>       ----------------------------------------------}
>      while (Now - PreviousTime < 5 minutes) do
>      begin
>        Sleep(1000); // May be bigger
>      end;
>    end;
> You can use the Now function here because 5 minutes a lot of time, and
> so you don´t really need a lot of precision.
> If you needed a nanosecond precision on your loop you could use the
> powerful EpikTimer component:
> http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/EpikTimer
> If you want to receive user input while your loop runs, then put the
> loop on a separate thread.

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