: Looking for a ssl http client [fpc-pascal] [HTTPS]

Eugene Mayevski mayevski at eldos.com
Sat Nov 25 21:26:33 CET 2006

You (TOUZEAU DAVID [mailto:fpc-pascal-bounces at lists.freepascal.org]) wrote
about "Re: [HTTPS]: Looking for a ssl http client [fpc-pascal]" on
11/25/2006 at 20:49:

TD> Hum Thanks for the information but i'm developping an Open Source
TD> application... This module is not free version... 5 655$ is a little bit

SSLBlackbox costs $163 for a single-developer license. But you are right, we
don't let users redistribute the source code of SecureBlackbox.

Sincerely yours,
Eugene Mayevski

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