[fpc-pascal] Initializing record variables

Marco van de Voort marcov at stack.nl
Fri Nov 10 11:08:31 CET 2006

> I have to translate a lot of assignements like this:
> particle_t = record
> 		name: array [0..Pred(16)] of char; 
> 		longi: integer; 
> 		pressure: float;
> 		temperature: double; 
> 		lati: integer; 
> 	end;
> ibuf: array [0..Pred(2)] of particle_t;
> (* raw translation by automatic tool *)
> ibuf:=(('zero'#0,0,0.0f,0.0,0),('zero'#0,0,0.0f,0.0,0));
> from C to pascal. To make it easier I'd like to write something like:
> ibuf: array [0..Pred(2)] of particle_t = ???
> analoguous to
> i: integer = 42;
> Is there any syntax allowing to do so? If yes, it would be very easy to
> do instead of addressing each record field by name for any record in the
> target array.

As a global constant: yes. Locally, no.


int func ()
{xarray i = ((arrayconst));


translates roughly to

var constant_func_1_array : xarray = ((1,4,2,2),(3,3,3,3));  

function func:cint;

var i : xarray;

If you have your automatic tool in src, you might be able to hack it in.

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